Saturday, June 25, 2011

every time i go to the gynosaurus i get "girl, you'll be a woman...soon" in my head

town wide yard sale (this is what people do in the rural suburbs, apparently) would have resulted in unabashed glee if we were scouting for child paraphernalia...those two words together kinda creep me out. we found a few things and brought sully, the hyperactive and adorably dimwitted bratwurst with us:
 i got assorted odds and ends:

tray. no idea what i'll use it for but it was absolutely imperative that i have it.
ack! decorative balls i always swore six ways to steve guttenberg that i would never ever buy. *snicker* balls.

i got these amazingly awesome 1970s paint by numbers at an antique store two weekends ago:

annnnnnnnnnd...later today was....consignment store madness!!!!
snake necklace!
rad bag. true? true.
ring (shot taken on the paint splattered ladder currently in our den that i was using to hang curtains).
published in 1940. AMAZING.
poopy pic but: hair clips

i ended my day taking pictures in a cremation cemetery. obviously.

i have more on my mind than i would particularly enjoy digging into right now. a faith kindle, somewhat brought about by the amazon electronic has been weighing on me among scores of other issues. another day.


  1. Are you kidding me...this is the best stuff ever! I love the paint by numbers and the red bag with the blue favorite color combo.

    p.s. the orange hair looks fantastic.

  2. Hello!
    I'm french and i've got the same snake necklace!
    I don't know many thing about it and maybe you could hellp me: what matter it is? and maybe how much it cost? if you on't want to reply here you can mail me at
    Thanks, regards, and also sorry for my bad english^^.
