Friday, June 10, 2011

my traumatized nyc friend invited me to spend august in buroughs.

i woke up in a good mood this morning. this immediately became cause for concern. don't get me wrong-it's not like i was disney princessing it up, tra la la-ing as woodland creatures cautiously emerged from the underbrush and subsequently commenced frolicking (stay the f away from me deer-it's tick season). nor do i generally arise with the intonation of ben stein and the outlook of daria...well okay, the second part may be true but i also think words like bananas are funny and am drawn to sparkly things so there are definite fundamental differences.

due to a certain anniversary of a monumentally bad decision i generally wallow in self pity this weekend. introspection generally becomes usurped and hazed with alcohol though and a proverbial shit show tends to blow into town like a snake oil alchemist. in retrospect, it seems a tad irresponsible to celebrate surviving a near death experience with becoming blacked out doused and sloppy drunk. 

i don't really feel the need nor particularly want to recount the details of that day. generally i tend to wonder "what if?" about old relationships this time of year. not wishing we were back together (NO, DEFINITELY NOT); just wondering what would had happened had circumstances and timing not been what they were. counter-productive, i know.

1 comment:

  1. I would love to be in NYC right now, but I think it will only be possible in the fall ;) Cant wait though
